Rachel Has Problems

I need a big project.
I feel like it's time to take on a new, big project. Although I have no ideas of what that should be.
There's a small chunk of time during the week where I find myself not doing much. My weekdays are taken up largely by the day job (which is standard, I can't complain because I do generally enjoy where I work, and it pays), and on some weekends I'm over visiting my wonderful girlfriend (usually resulting in some form of injury from the wake of her chaos). It's just the times when neither of these things are happening I find myself usually watching the back catalogue of YouTube. The problem here is that most of the videos I watch on YouTube are from makers and the likes, so you can imagine how lazy this makes me feel. The thing is, I have had projects in the past, I've certainly got enough tools to make things myself, and indeed I even have a 3D printer! So yes, I'd like a new project... but I'm not sure what.
My last significant project I would say is the SATNOGS ground station I put together. Of course with that project the software side is done for you, as is the hardware with easy to find Raspberry Pi SBCs and RTL SDR tuners, but the antenna was constructed by myself including 3D printed enclosures for feed points on a second revision design. I'll admit, I'm proud of that project, although it's currently offline as there was a risk of the antenna falling onto someone's head (the antenna bracket was close to snapping after some fairly high winds) and I'm waiting on my father to drill some new holes for a sturdier mast clamp (It is his house after all)
I did have an idea to build my own audio mixing desk for broadcast and I've actually come up with some circuit diagrams, maybe that could be my next big project. The problem is though, I do also have lots of other work in progress, unfinished projects, that I probably should focus on, and I just know what's going to happen:

Squirtle squad meme, where the exsiting squritles are captioned "Unfinished Project" and the newcomer is captioned "My New Project"

Maybe the problem I have isn't having a project to work on, rather it might be more me. What I have noticed in recent years is that I am a lot more tired and fatigued, which means I have little motivation so don't really work on any of my projects. It's certainly one of my ADHD traits and I don't know what to do to overcome this. I have the same problem with video games. If I do decide to load up whatever game I have installed (usually something with a sandbox), I can be stimulated for 15 minutes then get bored. I think on the project side, I don't start anything because my desk is cluttered and I have to clear it before I can get out the soldering equipment. I think this is something I need to look into more, how to manage my ADHD so I don't end up frequently doing nothing. I can't explain why I feel tired though, I generally sleep well. If anyone reading has any tips, please feel free to get in contact with me on Mastodon (@rowens@mastodonapp.uk).
I will be attending EMF 2024 later this month so I might come back with project ideas from that 😂.
Rachel x

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